


2.接受。发票是销售货物和履行服务 ("货物")的要约。买方应在收到货物后立即不可撤销地接受货物,如果货物不符合要求,买方只能按照发票中列出的程序和补救措施进行处理。如果买方拒绝接受此类货物,卖方应有权根据《统一商法典》和货物销售所在司法管辖区与货物销售相关的所有其他适用法律行使其所有权利和补救措施。一经接受,发票即构成卖方和买方之间关于货物的完整协议。


4.允许的变更。 除非买方和卖方另有书面约定,否则所有货物均应按照卖方的标准做法生产。所有货物和纳入货物的材料,包括为满足精确规格而生产的货物和材料,均应按照贸易惯例、制造工艺 、测试和检验的要求进行偏差和变更。

5.偿付能力和信用审批。买方承认并同意,通过下订单购买货物,买方在此声明并保证买方是有偿付能力的。如果买方在接受货物之前破产,买方应将破产情况书面通知卖方。未通知卖方应构成买方在接受货物时对其偿付能力的书面重申。订购、装运和交付在任何时候都应取决于卖方对买方信用度的批准(由卖方自行决定)。如果卖方在任何时候认为其收到买方付款的前景已经受损,或者买方已经破产,或者买方已经推翻了与卖方的协议,或者未能全额支付之前的任何分期付款,那么卖方可以在任何时候自行决定采取以下所有或任何措施:(i) 拒绝装运或交付任何货物,除非事先收到付款或担保,或根据卖方自行决定的其他条款和条件;(ii) 在卖方收到任何付款之前暂停生产;或 (iii) 在向买方交付货物之前的任何时候停止交付货物。除上述情况外,在卖方收到之前装运货物的所有付款之前,卖方没有义务再装运任何货物。

6.付款、F.C.A.、所有权和损失风险。买方应以美元或卖方可接受的其他媒介付款。买方应在卖方向买方出示发票后付款,但须遵守此处规定的付款条款和条件。除非在报价单中另有说明,否则卖方的报价均为 F.C.A. Sunnen产品 Company, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, Incoterms 2020(在发票正面标明的地点)。货物灭失或损坏的风险应在卖方仓库的F.C.A.点(发票正面标明的地点)转移给买方。尽管有上述规定,货物的所有权应在买方指定的运输目的地交货时转移给买方。

7.机床 验收延迟。对于装运前需要在 Sunnen产品 Company (Sunnen) 进行验收或冲洗的货物,如果客户已通知 Sunnen 准备在 Sunnen 进行验收/冲洗,但由于客户延迟而无法进行验收,则装运前应付的任何进度付款将在上述通知 30 天后开具发票。 付款应在 30 天后或装运前支付,以先到者为准。 如果非由于 Sunnen 的过失,验收/卸货延迟超过 30 天,则客户同意每延迟一天向 Sunnen 支付货款 0.5% 的延迟装运费。这笔费用将在验收时开具发票,30 天后付清。

8.装运授权延迟。在收到来自 Sunnen产品 Company(以下简称 "Sunnen")的货物已准备好装运的通知后,如果由于非 Sunnen 的过错,客户未能在 14 天内授权装运,则客户同意自通知之日起 15 天后,每延迟装运一天,即向 Sunnen 支付该货物购买价格 0.5% 的延迟装运费。

9.交货;不可抗力。每次交付的货物均应作为单独的销售,并根据第5条的规定进行信用安排。卖方指定的所有交货日期均为近似日期,并基于其最佳估计,可能会因卖方无法控制的情况而发生变化,包括但不限于以下情况(i) 天灾、不可预见的情况、任何政府当局或准政府当局的行为(包括延迟或不作为)、战争(宣战或未宣战)、暴乱、革命、优先权、火灾、罢工、爆炸、洪水、检疫限制、破坏或流行病,(ii) 由于卖方无法控制的原因而无法及时获得、(iii) 超出卖方合理控制范围的任何其他原因,如果由于任何此类情况而导致卖方无法供应本协议项下待交付货物的总需求。卖方可以对发票上显示的买方订单进行部分交付,或者在其认为适当的基础上,在任何或所有采购之间分配卖方的可用供应量,而无需对由此可能导致的任何履约失败承担责任。如果出现任何此类延迟或故障,交货日期应予以延长,延长的时间相当于因此而损失的时间。

10.有限质保 。自货物交付至 F.C.A. 点之日起十二 (12) 个月内,耗材由卖方保证;自货物交付至 F.C.A. 点之日起三 (3) 年内,机器由卖方保证:(i) 发票项下提供的所有货物均符合发票要求;以及 (ii) 在交付货物时,货物在材料和工艺方面均无缺陷。卖方有权自行决定延长适用的质保 期限,向买方发出书面通知,说明延长期限以及适用的任何其他条款和条件(包括与此相关的所有成本和费用)。本质保 不包括因以下原因造成的任何缺陷或费用:(i) 由卖方以外的任何人对货物进行修改、改动、维修 或维修;(ii) 对货物的物理滥用或误用,或以不正确的方式操作货物;(iii) 货物的任何用途超出其原定用途;或 (iv) 货物在任何运输过程中损坏。本质保 不包括例行维护 所产生的所有费用,包括更换此类维护 所需的任何部件。上述质保 是唯一适用于本次购买和货物的质保 ;除本第 10 条规定外,卖方不作任何保证(明示或暗示)。双方明确理解并同意,卖方不应被视为或根据任何明示或默示、法定或法律规定或其他担保或保证承担义务、责任或责任,卖方排除所有默示保证(无论是事实默示还是法律默示或法律规定),包括任何适销性或特定用途适用性保证。此处未提供的任何明示质保 ,以及若非此处包含的质保 ,可能因暗示或法律规定而产生的任何补救措施,包括适销性和特定用途适用性的暗示保证,均在此予以排除和否认。

双方理解并同意,卖方的责任和买方的唯一补救措施,无论是合同、任何质保 、侵权行为(包括过失)、严格责任或其他责任,均不得超过买方已付货款的返还金额,且在任何情况下,卖方均不对任何特殊、附带或间接损害负责,包括但不限于人身伤害、财产损失、设备损坏或丢失、利润或收入损失、租用替代品的费用以及其他额外费用,即使卖方已被告知可能发生此类损害。



买方对卖方违反第 10 节中规定的保证的任何指控或对声称不合格货物的任何交付的唯一和排他性补救措施应在本第 11 节中规定。在得知任何声称的缺陷或未能履行第 10 节中规定的保证后十 (10) 天内,或在任何情况下,自货物交付至 F.C.A. 点之日起不超过十二 (12) 个月(或第 10 节中规定的卖方可能确定的延长质保 期),买方应向卖方发出书面通知,合理详细地说明任何声称的缺陷或未能履行第 10 节中规定的保证的情况。在收到此类通知后,卖方应根据卖方的选择:(i) 向买方提供货物贷记,但买方应通过预付运费的方式退回所有据称不合格的货物,费用由买方自行承担,且必须首先获得并遵循卖方可能要求的有关授权买方退货的说明;或 (ii) 通过修理或更换被认定确实不合格的此类货物来纠正此类故障。买方保留货物且未按本文规定通知卖方,应构成放弃与货物有关的所有索赔。

买方承认并同意卖方的观点,即在第 10 条规定的适用质保 期限内,对货物进行的任何售后服务工作(包括但不限于 (i) 货物的安装、维修 、服务或维护 ,(ii) 货物的增强、升级或修改,(iii)培训 有关货物的操作和使用,或 (iv) 任何此类功能的监督)都需要专业知识,并应完全由雇员执行、卖方的雇员、承包商、代表或代理人应具备与货物有关的高度知识,并已通过广泛的培训 获得与货物的安装、维修 、服务、维护 、增强、升级、修改和培训 ,或与货物的操作和使用有关的必要技能。对于向位于加拿大的买方进行的销售,买方承认并同意,卖方可以监督或培训卖方或买方的任何加拿大公民或永久居民雇员、承包商、代表或代理人在买方交付货物的地点或卖方和买方不时商定的货物所在的其他地点使用货物。买方可以不时要求卖方,卖方也可以不时向买方提供有关货物或培训 的操作和使用方面的增强、升级或修改,买方应支付的相关费用和开支应按卖方当时规定的费率收取。


13.其他赔偿。买方同意保护卖方,为卖方辩护,使卖方免于承担因以下原因造成的任何及所有责任和费用:(i) 买方未能遵守发票的条款和条件;或 (ii) 违反与货物有关的任何法律、法规、条例、行政命令、规则或规定。

14.转让。未经卖方事先书面同意,买方不得转让:(i) 发票或其中的任何部分;(ii) 其中的任何责任或权利;或 (iii) 根据本协议产生的任何索赔。未经卖方事先书面同意,不得通过法律运作、合并或司法出售或其他方式转让发票。买方任何未经授权的转让或转让企图都将构成对发票的重大违约。未经买方事先书面同意,卖方可将发票转让给其任何继承人或受让人。发票对买方和卖方及其允许的继承人和受让人具有约束力,并使其受益。

15.职业安全与健康法案。卖方提供的所有物品应由卖方证明符合 1970 年《职业安全与健康法》的要求和标准,以及货物所在辖区内与职业健康和安全相关的所有其他适用法律。此外,如果需要,还将提供所有适用的危险材料数据表产品 。如果买方未能对因不遵守这些项目而导致的处罚提出异议,则卖方在本质保 下的责任并不因此而免除。

16.遵守劳工部的规定。 根据《第 13496 号行政命令》、《第 11246 号行政命令》和《第 11375 号行政命令》、《平等就业机会法》、《1973 年康复法》第 503 条和《1974 年越战退伍军人调整援助法》第 402 条的规定,本确认书是一份合规证书,其中包括一份不歧视种族、信仰、肤色、国籍、性别或年龄的证明。

17.化学物质。通过发票,卖方证明向买方提供的所有货物均符合 40 CFR 82.100 的规定,并且不包含也未使用 40 CFR 82.104 中定义的第 1 类或第 2 类物质。





22.适用法律。 本交易是在密苏里州签订的合同,受密苏里州法律管辖。




退货:所有寄往 Sunnen 的商品均需预先授权。请致电联系方式 Sunnen客户服务 ,获取退货授权 (RMA) 编号。 所有没有 RMA 编号的产品将退还给客户。

证明:我们特此证明,这些货物的生产符合经修订的《公平劳动标准法案》第 6、7 和 12 条的所有适用要求,以及美国劳工部根据该法案第 14 条发布的法规和命令。



退货: 所有寄往 Sunnen 的商品均需预先授权。请致电 1-800-325-3670联系方式 Sunnen客户服务 申请退货授权(RMA)号码。所有没有 RMA 编号的商品将退还给客户。

证明:我们特此证明,这些货物的生产符合经修订的《公平劳动标准法案》第 6、7 和 12 条的所有适用要求,以及美国劳工部根据该法案第 14 条发布的规定和命令。



Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

1.  Controlling Terms and Conditions. 
 Acceptance of this Purchase Order is expressly limited to the terms and conditions stated herein and any additional or different term or condition on Seller’s invoice or acknowledgement form, or otherwise communicated by Seller in accepting this Purchase Order or in any quotation or proposal of Seller shall be deemed to be a material alteration of this Purchase Order and is hereby objected to and rejected by Buyer.  Any such term or condition shall be totally inapplicable to this Purchase Order unless specifically agreed to in writing signed by an authorized representative of Buyer.  Acceptance of the Goods covered by this Purchase Order shall not constitute acceptance by Buyer of Seller’s terms and conditions.  Any correspondence, quotation, proposal, bid, invoice or other communication from Seller characterized as an offer is hereby rejected in full, and in such situation this Purchase Order constitutes Buyer’s counter-offer. 

2.  Acceptance. This Purchase Order is an offer to purchase the goods and services as set forth on the face hereof (the “Goods”).  Any of the following acts by Seller shall constitute acceptance of this offer:  Signing and returning to Buyer a copy of this Purchase Order; delivery of any of the Goods ordered by this Purchase Order; commencement of the performance requested by this Purchase Order or informing the Buyer in any manner of commencement of performance; sending to Buyer Seller’s own acknowledgment form regarding the Goods; or delivery of the Goods (or a portion of the Goods) to Buyer.  Upon acceptance, this Purchase Order shall constitute the entire agreement between the Buyer and the Seller with respect to the Goods.

3. Changes. The quantities, prices, terms and conditions of this Purchase Order shall not be changed except by Buyer's written authorization. Buyer and Seller acknowledge and agree that the Goods and services to be furnished hereunder are to be specifically manufactured in accordance with drawings and/or specifications.  Buyer and Seller further acknowledge and agree that Buyer may, at any time, by written order make changes in (i) drawings, designs or specifications, (ii) method of shipment or packing, and (iii) place of delivery and that when such terms are conveyed to Seller, such terms shall constitute a part of this Purchase Order. If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of the Goods, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the purchase price. Seller shall submit its claim within thirty days from the date of receipt of notification of change unless said period is extended in writing by Buyer. Where the cost of property, which has become obsolete or excess as the result of any change is included in Seller's claim for adjustment, the Buyer shall have the right to prescribe the disposition of such property. 

4. Specifications. If blueprints, drawings, designs or specifications are furnished by the Buyer, this Purchase Order shall be based upon and the Goods shall conform to such blueprints, drawings, designs and specifications, and approval of samples by the Buyer shall not relieve the Seller from strict and full compliance with such blueprints, drawings, designs and specifications. Goods not conforming to such blueprints, drawings, designs and specifications may be rejected. 

5. Payment Not Constituting Acceptance. Payment for any item on this Purchase Order shall not constitute approval or acceptance of such Goods by Buyer or otherwise impair Buyer’s rights or remedies in respect of any default by Seller, and Buyer's right of inspection shall survive payment. Buyer retains the right to inspect the Goods and if the Goods are defective or do not conform to the requirements of this Purchase Order, then Buyer reserves the right to reject the Goods.  Upon such rejection, Buyer may terminate this Purchase Order and return the Goods to Seller in exchange for a refund of the purchase price for the Goods.  Rejected Goods shall be returned at the expense of Seller upon rejection and Seller shall bear all risk of loss as to such rejected Goods.  Alternatively, Buyer may elect to retain rejected Goods and remedy any defects or nonconformity to specifications, drawings or samples and the costs of accomplishing such remedy shall be a reduction in the purchase price paid by the Buyer for the Goods, and Seller shall refund to Buyer any overpayments within 10 days after notice from Buyer.  Notwithstanding Buyer’s termination of this Purchase Order or return of Goods to the Seller, Buyer shall retain any and all claims and rights available to it for damages for breach of contract. 

6. F.C.A., Title and Risk of Loss.  The Goods shall be shipped by the Seller at Seller’s cost F.C.A. the Buyer at the Buyer’s address designated on the face of this Purchase Order.  The risk of loss or damage to the Goods shall pass to Buyer upon Buyer’s acceptance of the Goods.  Title to the Goods purchased hereunder shall not pass from Seller to Buyer until the Goods have been delivered to and accepted by Buyer in accordance with the terms of this Purchase Order.

7. Delivery-Inventory Control.  Deliveries of the Goods shall be strictly in accordance with the schedule referred to in this Purchase Order and in the exact quantities ordered.  The Seller will limit and phase expenditures, incurrence of costs and purchases and subcontract commitments for raw materials and components in such fashion to ensure continuity of production and permit performance and completion of each production increment in sequence without creating any unreasonable accumulations of raw materials or components for any production increments.  Shipments in excess of quantities or in advance of scheduled delivery dates as shown herein are not to be made without Buyer’s written approval.  Buyer reserves the right to return to Seller at Seller’s expense any shipments received contrary to this Section 7 and Seller shall bear all risk of loss as to such returns.

8.  Warranty. The Seller warrants that at the time of delivery thereof all Goods and work provided for under this Purchase Order will be: (i) fit for the purpose for which they are intended; (ii) merchantable, of good material and workmanship and free from any defects in material or workmanship; (iii) will conform to the requirements of this Purchase Order, including any blueprints, drawings, designs or specifications forming a part of this Purchase Order; and (iv) this warranty will run to the buyer, its successors, assigns, customers and users of the Goods. These warranties, and all other warranties express or implied, shall survive delivery, inspection, acceptance and payment.  Buyer shall deliver notice of any defects in the Goods or failure to comply with any of the Seller’s warranties set forth herein.  Buyer may, at its sole option, require the Seller to promptly correct or replace the defective or non-conforming Goods. The costs of shipment of such defective or non-conforming Goods from Buyer's location to Seller's location and the costs of shipment for any replacement or repaired Goods to Buyer shall be borne by the Seller and the risk of loss to all such Goods shall be borne by Seller. This warranty shall continue as to the replacement and repaired Goods. If the Buyer does not require repair or replacement, the Buyer may elect to retain any defective or non-conforming Goods and remedy any defects or nonconformity and the costs of accomplishing such remedy shall be a reduction in the purchase price paid by the Buyer for the Goods, and Seller shall refund to Buyer any overpayments within 10 days after notice from Buyer.  None of the provisions or remedies set forth in this Section 8 is in lieu of any claims for damages (including incidental, consequential or lost profits) which Buyer may have at law or in equity (whether under the Missouri Uniform Commercial Code or otherwise) for the Seller’s breach of this agreement including Seller’s warranties set forth in this Section 8, all of which claims for damage are specifically reserved by Buyer.

9. Cancellation by Buyer. Buyer reserves the right to cancel this Purchase Order, or any part thereof, at any time, even though the Seller is not in default hereunder, by giving written notice to the Seller. In the event of such cancellation, Buyer shall pay for all Goods and services delivered and completed and an equitable settlement shall be arrived at for cost incurred by Seller for Goods and materials in process not to exceed the aggregate committed quantity and/or price specified in this Purchase Order. Where cancellation is by reason of termination of a contract of the United States Government under which this Purchase Order has been placed, Buyer will pay the Seller at such times as Buyer is paid by the United States Government. Upon receipt of any notice of cancellation hereunder, Seller shall unless otherwise directed, immediately discontinue all work in progress and immediately cancel all order or subcontracts given or made pursuant to this Purchase Order. Exercise by Buyer of the rights of cancellation reserved in this Section 9 shall give rise to no liability on the part of the Buyer and shall not have the effect of waiving any claims or damages the Buyer might otherwise be entitled to. 

10. Intellectual Property Indemnity. The Seller hereby warrants that the Goods purchased hereunder and the sale or use of them will not infringe any patents, trademarks or copyrights. Unless otherwise specifically agreed to in writing, the Seller agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Buyer, its successors, assigns, customers and users of its products against any loss damage, liability, costs and expenses which may be incurred as a result of or in defending or settling any suit, claim, judgment or demand involving infringement of any patents, trademarks or copyrights by the sale or use of the Goods purchased hereunder. The Seller agrees that it will, when so requested, assume the defense of the Buyer and/or its successors, assigns and customers and users of its products against any such suits, claims or demands. 

11. Other Indemnifications. Seller agrees to protect, defend, hold harmless and indemnify Buyer from and against any and all liability and expense resulting from: (i) any failure of Seller to comply with the terms and conditions of this Purchase Order; (ii) any alleged or claimed defect in the Goods purchased or work performed hereunder, whether latent or patent, including allegedly improper construction and design; or (iii) from the failure of such Goods and services to comply with specifications or with any express or implied warranties of Seller; or (iv) arising out of the alleged violation of any law, statute, ordinance, administrative order, rule or regulation connected with the manufacture or sale of such Goods or services including but not limited to the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as amended. At Buyer's request Seller shall obtain and maintain during the life of this agreement at its expense, product liability insurance, with a vendor's endorsement, in such form and amount and from such company as may be approved by Buyer in writing. Satisfactory evidence of such insurance shall be submitted to Buyer upon request. For the purposes of this paragraph, "Goods" shall be deemed to include any packaging supplied by Seller. 

12. Assignment.  Seller may not assign, without the Buyer’s prior written consent, (i) this Purchase Order or any portion hereof; or (ii) any duty or right herein; or (iii) any claim arising hereunder.  This Purchase Order may not be assigned by operation of law or a merger or judicial sale or otherwise without the prior written consent of Buyer. Any unauthorized assignment or attempted assignment by Seller shall constitute a material breach of this agreement. This Purchase Order may be assigned by Buyer.  This Purchase Order shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Buyer and Seller and their permitted successors and assigns.

13. Labor Disputes. 
(a) Whenever the Seller has knowledge that any actual or potential labor dispute is delaying or threatens to delay the timely performance of this Purchase Order, the Seller shall immediately give notice thereof, including all relevant information with respect thereto, to the Buyer. 
(b) The Seller agrees to insert the substance of this Section 13, including this paragraph (b) in any subcontract hereunder, except that each such subcontract shall provide that the notice and information mentioned above shall be given to its next higher tier subcontractor. 

14. Occupational Safety & Health Act. All items supplied under the terms of this Purchase Order shall be certified by Seller to be in compliance with requirements and standards of the Occupational Safety & Health Act of 1970. In addition, where required, hazardous material data sheets will be supplied on all applicable Goods and services. Failure of Buyer to contest a citation resulting from non-compliance of these items will not relieve the Seller of liability under this warranty. 

15. Department of Labor Compliance. In compliance with the Executive Order 13496 and Executive Orders 11246 and 11375, Equal Employment Opportunity and Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Section 402 of the Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, the acknowledgment is a certificate of compliance which includes a certification of nondiscrimination with regard to race, creed, color, national origin, sex or age. 

16.化学物质。通过接受本采购订单,卖方特此证明,由卖方或其任何分包商或通过卖方或其任何分包商向 Sunnen产品 Co. 提供的所有货物和物品均符合 40 CFR 82.100 的规定,不包含也未使用 40 CFR 82.104 中定义的第 1 类或第 2 类物质。104,按照 REACH 法规 (EU) 1907/2006 的要求在欧洲化学品管理局 (ECHA) 注册,明确标识任何货物或物品是否含有欧洲化学品管理局 (ECHA) 高度关注物质 (SVHC) 候选清单所列的任何物质,符合 RoHS 3(欧盟指令 2015/863)、不含最新版《加利福尼亚州 65 号提案清单》(California Prop 65 List,CHEMICALS KNOWN TO THE STATE TO CAUSE CANCER OR REPRODUCTIVE TOXICITY)中所列的化学品,并符合《美国有毒物质控制法》(United States Toxic Substances Control Act,15 USC Chapter 53 Subchapters I to VI)的所有规定,该规定在本订购单签发之日有效。

17. Compliance with Laws. Seller, in the performance of this Purchase Order shall comply with the provisions of all applicable federal, state and local, regulations, rules and ordinances from which liability may accrue to Buyer from any violation thereof by Seller. 

18. Proprietary Rights. Any knowledge or information which Buyer shall have disclosed or may hereafter disclose to Seller, or which may hereafter be acquired by Seller, in the course of the performance of this agreement and in connection with the Goods, including but not limited to, designs, specifications, formulas and manufacturing information shall be deemed to be Buyer’s confidential and proprietary information and shall not be disclosed by Seller. 

19. Buyer-Owned Property. Unless Buyer and Seller otherwise agree in writing, the following provisions shall apply to any tools, tooling, patterns, equipment, materials or other properties or supplies used in the manufacture of Goods for Buyer or in the performance of this Purchase Order, that are either supplied to Seller by Buyer, or have been acquired by Seller and specifically paid for by Buyer. All such properties shall hereafter be referred to as Buyer-owned property. 

(a) Seller shall have the right to use Buyer-owned property without payment for usage as required in the performance of this Purchase Order or other work for Buyer, but shall not use Buyer-owned property in the performance of any other work without prior written approval of the Buyer. Title to all Buyer-owned property shall at all times remain with Buyer. Title to such property which is procured or manufactured by Seller for Buyer shall be fully vested in Buyer upon Buyer’s acceptance of the same. 
(b) Seller shall take necessary measures to preserve Buyer's title to Buyer-owned property, free of all encumbrances. Buyer retains the right, in addition to other rights provided by law, to enter Seller's premises and remove Buyer-owned property with or without a court order. 
(c) Seller shall, on written request of Buyer, properly pack and ship Buyer-owned property to such destination as designated by Buyer. 
(d) Seller shall, at its expense, perform all maintenance work, repairs and replacements necessary with respect to applicable Buyer-owned property so that such property remains suitable for the use intended. 
(e) The risk of loss or damage to all Buyer-owned property shall be left with Seller from the time that such property is delivered to Seller until that property is removed from Seller's place of business as directed by Buyer in writing. Proof of adequate insurance coverage on Buyer-owned property shall be provided to Buyer by Seller upon written request of Buyer. 
(f) Buyer shall not be liable for loss, damage, detention, or delay resulting from causes beyond its control with respect to any Buyer-owned property to be delivered to Seller by Buyer. 
(g) Seller shall assume and shall indemnity Buyer against any and all liability for damaged property or injury to, or death of any persons arising from, incidental to the presence of, or use of Buyer-owned property, whether such damage, injury, or death Is caused by defects in the property, negligence in the use thereof, or otherwise. 
(h) Seller shall, upon receipt of written request, provide Buyer with a current listing of Buyer-owned property in its or its subcontractor's possession, indicating complete descriptions, quantities, and property conditions. 

20. Remedies. No rights or remedies herein provided to Buyer shall be deemed exclusive of any other rights or remedies allowed by law. 

21. Lien Waivers.  Seller shall furnish to Buyer, within 5 days after Buyer’s request for the same, waivers by Seller and all other persons entitled to assert any lien rights in connection with the Goods and/or the performance of this Purchase Order.  Seller shall indemnify Buyer against all costs, loss, or liability incurred by Buyer as a result of any failure by Seller or any other person to comply with the provisions of this Section 21.

22. Waiver of Terms and Conditions.  The failure of Buyer in any one or more instances to insist upon performance of any terms or conditions contained herein, or to exercise any right or privilege hereunder, or the waiver by Buyer of any breach by Seller of these terms and conditions shall not be construed as a waiver of any such term, condition, right or privilege or any subsequent breach thereof, and the same shall continue and remain in full force and effect as if no failure or waiver had occurred.

23.  Governing Law. This Purchase Order and the acceptance of it shall be a contract made in the State of Missouri and governed by the laws thereof. 

24.  Jurisdiction and Venue.  Seller and Buyer agree that any dispute arising hereunder shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the State or Federal Courts in or for St. Louis County, Missouri.

25.  Costs.  The prevailing party in any litigation brought hereunder shall be entitled to recover its costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, incurred in such litigation.

26.  Entire Agreement. These terms and conditions, any other special conditions contained in any schedules hereto or any specification or other documents delivered in connection herewith and specifically incorporated herein by reference constitute and represent the complete and entire agreement between Buyer and Seller and supersede all previous communications, either written or verbal with respect to the subject matter of this Purchase Order. 

All of Sunnen's products are subject to U.S. export controls and sanctions laws and regulations, even after the products are exported from the U.S. and title is transferred from Sunnen. These export control and sanctions regulations include: the U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations ("ITAR)" administered by the U.S. Department of State's Directorate of Defense Trade Controls ("DDTC"), U.S. Export Administration Regulations ("EAR") administered by the Bureau of Industry and Security ("BIS"), and the sanctions regulations administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC") (collectively U.S. export control/sanctions laws"). 

Customer or Supplier agrees that it will comply with all U.S. export control/sanctions laws and will not export, re-export, transfer, sell or otherwise divert Company products, either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items:

(1) to any U.S. embargoed countries, which currently include the Crimea Region of Ukraine, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria.; or (2) to any “Prohibited End-User”, meaning any company, individual, or other party listed on OFAC's Specially Designated Nationals List, BIS's Entity List,  Denied Persons List, and Unverified List, DDTC's Debarred Persons List, or any other prohibited party included on the U.S. Consolidated Screening List found at https://www.export.gov/csl-search; or

(2) for an end-use related to: (a) the design, development, production, stockpiling or use of missiles or nuclear, chemical or biological weapons; (b) nuclear facilities not under IAEA safeguards; (c) missiles or unmanned aerial vehicles capable of weapons delivery; or (d) deepwater, Arctic offshore or shale oil or gas exploration or production in or offshore Russia.

Customer or Supplier further certify that they are not a Prohibited End-User, and are not owned or controlled by or acting for or on behalf of a Prohibited End-User.